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Mike Calderon

Man, I had to delve into my photo albums, and THIS was the only decent pic of me I could find. I wasnt planning on posting my old High School yearbook photo, for the fears of ridicule, and mockery.

Why did I build this site?
Well, its kinda complicated, but since you asked...

I made this site, to make it easier for my friends, and family to check in with whats happening in the Casa De Calderon. Many times, I will forget to update something, so you might still see Christmas greetings on the 4th of July, or Halloween themes on Vallentines Day.

You wanna know more?
Alright, since you asked (I think), I was born at William Beaumont Army Medical Center in the North-East side of El Paso. Odd being, I was born around 8am, and since then, Ive never liked getting up early.

After leaving the North-East side of town, we soon came to rest in the city's Lower East side. Here, I attended my first Elementary school, located less than a block from home.

Moving time once more found me no more than three blocks from our old house, and still in the same school. Here, at our new house, we made it our home to this very day.

I attended Lancaster Elementary, then Valley View Middle school, then finally graduation from Del Valle High School in May of '97 (just barely by some accounts of stories!).

Ive been fortunate to have good work ethics placed within me from many people, ranging from family, to friends to co-workers. Ive been fortunate enough to learn valuable lessons thru each and everyone of my co-workers, and still practice what they taught me.

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